
Next.js is what’s next for News47ell
After more than a year, the new version of News47ell is finally here!
News7 minutes1256 words
GitHub Acquires NPM
After Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub, Now GitHub acquires NPM!
News2 minutes296 words
Fish Shell Review
This is a review of Fish Shell. Here you'll learn everything you need about Fish Shell and why it's awesome!
Reviews8 minutes1453 words
iTerm2 Review
Fully featured, native terminal emulator for macOS
Reviews4 minutes710 words
News47ell Now on GitHub
Git commit
Articles3 minutes500 words
How To Host Google Analytics Locally In WordPress
If you are looking for a way to Leverage browser caching for analytics.js file, then make sure to read this tutorial to learn How to Host Google Analytics Locally in WordPress
How To4 minutes700 words
LiteSpeed Cache Review: Best WordPress Caching Plugin
In this LiteSpeed Cache Review, I will tell about the best WordPress Caching Plugin that can increase the speed and performance of your site and help you rank higher in Google search result.
Reviews18 minutes3461 words
Microsoft acquires GitHub for $7.5 billion
The rumors were true in the end, Microsoft acquires GitHub for $7.5 billion in Microsoft stock. And that's not all, Chris Wanstrath is leaving and Nat Friedman will be taking on the role of GitHub’s CEO.
News2 minutes399 words
Lightning Base Review: Managed WordPress Hosting
Everyone wants the best Managed WordPress Hosting provider to host their WordPress site with. Today, I've got you covered with my Lightning Base Review. Lightning Base uses LiteSpeed to increase the performance and security of your site with minimum to no downtime and a reasonable price. Go ahead and check the review.
Reviews18 minutes3445 words
News47ell Is Now on Patreon
Articles3 minutes417 words